8 March 2014

How to Let Go of a Relationship That’s Bad

At times, a relationship can do more harm than good for you. Recognize the signs and understand how to let go of a relationship that’s bad for you.

Relationships are always a happy experience.
Well, until things start to go bad.
That’s when a beautiful relationship can actually bring your life to a standstill and trick you into a world of complications and pain.
Are you in a relationship where you’re not experiencing the happiness you think you deserve?
If you think it, there’s a good chance that it’s true.
How to let go of a relationship
The funny thing about relationships is that it’s all in your head.
A relationship is over when you think it’s over.
If you’re not as happy as you think you should be in a relationship, you should let go even if you still love that person.
It’s that simple really.
You’re not being selfish. You’re doing both of you a favour.
It’s always better to let go of a bad relationship than hold on when you see no happiness at the end of the tunnel.
The 9 steps to let go of love
If you want to understand the different ways to let go of a relationship, use these nine steps and follow the way.
#1 Why should it end? Do you really know why your relationship should end? If you want to let go of someone you love, you have to understand the real reasons behind why you think your relationship is making you unhappy.
#2 Can you fix it? Are you giving it your all to make the relationship work? If you’re in a relationship where you’re doing all the work while your partner is just coasting along on the ride, that’s never a good sign. If you are willing to take a chance, give your relationship one last chance to fix it.
#3 Don’t force love. Don’t try too hard to bring the old romance back. It’s not worth it. Love should be effortless and mutual, and even if you try to force it, it’ll just slip away again, causing you more pain.
#4 Is it love or fear? Why are you holding on to a relationship where you see no future in it? Ask yourself why you’re holding on even now, are you still in love or are you just afraid of being single again?
#5 Work your courage. Breaking up is not easy. And it takes courage to make a decision that can make such a big change in your life. All of us love stability in our lives, even if it’s a bad life. But just because you’re getting used to a certain routine doesn't mean it’s a good thing for you.
#6 Brace yourself. Prepare yourself for the pain and the loneliness after breaking up, especially if you still have a soft corner for this person. Taking a chance to face loneliness is one of the hardest things you can do. But you’ll never really know what life has in store for you unless you take that step in the dark.
#7 Accept your decision completely. Unless you’re convinced about your decision, it’ll only leave you confused and sad. Write a list of reasons on a piece of paper and look at it now and then, until you’re completely convinced so you don’t regret it or backtrack on your words again.
#8 There is no easy way out. If you’re sure you don’t want to be in a relationship with your lover, you have to learn to face the end. Don’t get drunk or isolate yourself, and try squirming out of the impending breakup.
#9 End the relationship. Once you’re sure you have the strength to let go of the relationship, learn to end it the right way using the conversation examples in the last step.
Letting go of a relationship can seem very difficult when you look your partner in the eye for that final conversation, but as soon as you speak up and walk away from your new ex, you’ll feel a heavy burden lift itself off your chest.
When should you let go of a relationship?
There are different reasons to let go of a relationship and walk away. Here are 10 reasons why a relationship may be doomed to failure and pain. And if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, perhaps it’s time to end your romance.
#1 You’re convinced that you can never have a happy ending.
#2 It’s a complicated relationship.
#3 You think you’re way better than your partner and deserve someone who treats you better.
#4 You don’t respect your partner or your partner doesn't respect you.
#5 Your partner constantly cheats on you, even after getting caught.
#6 You’re being taken for granted by your lover.
#7 There’s no focus on your life and your wants in the relationship.
#8 When you’re not ready for the relationship and the commitments it requires.
#9 You don’t trust your partner anymore.
#10 If you’re constantly frustrated and you don’t know why.
After letting go of the one you love
Prepare yourself for what could happen after you let go of the relationship.
You may meet someone who loves you and treats you better. You may be happier than you could ever imagine.
On the other hand, your lover too may date someone else, may spread rumors or even stalk you. Think of possible future scenarios and work your own solutions to how you would want to handle it. It’s always better to be prepared for anything the world throws at you after you let go of the relationship.
If you make a conscious effort to get over it, you can. Learn to walk away and the rest of your life will sort itself out.
Should you date your partner again after breaking up once?
If you ever find yourself having second thoughts about getting back with your ex again, try to weigh the pros and cons. Remind yourself of the reasons for breaking up and ask yourself if you’re ready to face those same frustrations all over again.
If you feel like ending a relationship because it’s draining the happiness out of your life, remember these tips on how to let go of a relationship to help you walk away happier and lead a better life.

Ways to Deal with a Complicated Relationship

Relationships can get complicated for a lot of reasons, big and frivolous. Find out how to deal with a complicated relationship the right way.

A perfect relationship can turn into a complicated one in no time, and one lover can’t really predict it without listening to the confusions in the other partner’s mind.
But in almost all cases, a complicated relationship is a one sided love affair where one person wants to hold on while the other person just wants to let go or go with someone else.
So are you in a complicated relationship?
Understanding how to deal with a complicated relationship is simple if you can see the facts straight.
Why is your relationship complicated in the first place?
Learning to see the problem in clear light is the first step to solving any relationship issue.
Almost all the time, people in a complicated relationship fail to see the problem because they’re either not interested in acknowledging a problem or too clouded by emotions to accept reality.
Dealing with a complicated relationship
While a complicated relationship status on face book may seem like a cool thing to show off, a complicated relationship is heartbreaking and painful to experience when you’re alone and wondering about what really is happening in your love life.
Reasons for complicated relationships
Complicated relationships can emerge for a lot of reasons, all the way from falling out of love, falling in love with someone else, a bitter fight, a piercing remark, to confused affairs like bed buddies and relationships where one person is using the other.
If you’re on the receiving end of a complicated relationship, don’t try to solve the complication just yet.
Instead, try to find out what really bothers you and how you intend to deal with it. Complicated relationships almost always never have a happy ending, especially if the love is one sided. And if it’s a crush that you have in mind, that’s definitely not a complicated relationship. It’s just a crush. [Read: Understanding unrequited love]
Try to end the complication
No complication in a relationship is ever similar. So you’ll have to create your own ways to working with it and evening out the complication.
In a long term relationship, complications could arise when your partner falls in love with someone else or starts losing interest in you as a partner potential. On the other hand, in a shorter relationship, the novelty of the new relationship may have worn off or your date may just not want to go out with you anymore for several reasons. So what do you intend to do about it?
Speak to your partner
The easiest way to solve any complicated relationship is by talking about it with your partner. You may find it easier to live in denial and avoid confronting the situation. But even if you have to talk to your partner at the cost of losing a relationship or ending it altogether, do it. Talk to your partner.
In most complicated relationships, one partner may be too much of a coward to end a relationship and may find it easier to avoid a partner and hope they get the hint. While you may be blissfully trying to deal with your complicated relationship status, your partner may have moved on with someone else.
When you’re stuck in a complicated relationship, no matter how much it hurts to confront the complication, muster up the strength to face it. By doing that, you’d at least know where the relationship is heading instead of groping in the dark.
Complicated relationships that just can’t work
If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner constantly cheats on you or tells you they don’t want to be with you anymore but come back into your arms every now and then, or if your partner ignores you, it’s a definite sign that the relationship is heading nowhere. Your partner may just be trying to look for someone else to go out with and may be using you until they find someone else. Or they may be too much of a coward to break up with you.
If you can’t end a complication with conversations and assurances, perhaps both of you are just not meant to be.
Are you ready for a fresh start?
Sometimes, it’s easier to end a relationship and walk away especially if there are way too many complications involved. But if you really do love your partner and are willing to work on the relationship again, take a chance.
But you have to remember that complicated relationships almost always never work. When you’re the one stuck in the painful end of a complicated relationship, it only means that your partner is using you or is just too selfish to care about anyone but themselves.
Walk out of a complicated relationship if you’re unable to work the differences and sort the complication. It may hurt a while, but no matter how much it hurts, it can never hurt more than how you feel right now, during every single day of your complicated life. By ending it, you’d at least be able to remove the painful complication from your life.
Heartbreaks can always be healed with time, but complications only increase with time, remember that.
So do you still want to know how to deal with a complicated relationship? But you know what to do already, don’t you? No matter how unique your complication is, there’s only one way to sort it all out. Confront it.

How to Look Better Naked By Using 15 Real Life Tips

Looking better naked isn’t a 30 day quick fix program. Want to learn the real secret behind knowing how to look better naked? Just use these 15 tips.

Want to look good in the buff when you’re in bed with your sweetie?
Well, it’s easy as long as you know what it takes.
There are some quick fixes that’ll work wonders.
And then there are some things that’ll take a while, but will definitely pay off a hundred fold.
How to look better naked
When I was a younger girl in my teens, I was terribly afraid of becoming overweight.
It was a paranoia that had me taking drastic measures and avoiding everything food.
I was waiting for my first boyfriend to see me naked for the first time.
And I wanted it to be perfect.
I wanted to be lean and fit and oh-so-perky. And just to hold on to that accidental perfect figure I had, I spent weeks with a toothbrush stuck down my throat.
There were times when I ate just an orange a day, and other times when I just drank mashed cabbage and water, all to look better when I was naked.
But instead of making me look better, everything I tried made me feel worse. My hair was thinning, my skin was tired and I was weak.
And I had no one to actually tell me what was right and what was wrong. The only thing I ever heard was “stop eating if you want to look better in the nude.”
Looking sexy with your clothes off
Your friends could tell you many things about getting that perfect body and looking really sexy when you’re lying in bed with your boyfriend. But if you could just listen to what I have to say, you could change your life for the better, look like a million bucks and feel really strong and healthy at the same time!
I’ve been the insecure girl who wanted to impress every guy with her body for several years, and I know how important it feels to look good naked, especially in front of someone cute. If you’re wondering how to look better naked, just use these 15 tips. And I assure you, it would be one of the best things you will ever have done.
#1 There’s no shortcut. Accept this, really, there are no shortcuts. All those claims of looking like a model in sex weeks or a month are just nonsense, especially if you’re not already proud of having that near perfect physique already. You took years to pile that weight on. Do you genuinely think you can lose all that in six weeks?
If you want to look sexy and healthy, don’t fall for those marketing tactics. You could lose a few sizes, but you can’t transform your out of shape body into a sexy body in a month.
#2 Work out. Cardio is the way to go if you want to look better naked. You’ll look toned and sexy, and your muscles will stay lean and thin instead of getting bulky. Want something even better? Try yoga. It’s just awesome to strengthen you, thin you up and give you all the right curves while eliminating your stress at the same time.
#3 Eat well. Don’t listen to anyone that says you need to avoid eating to get thin. That’s an idiot talking. If you want to lose weight and look better naked, eat well, but avoid fast food and bad fatty food. When you eat small portions often, your stomach will shrink in size too.
Don’t skip your veggies and you’ll see your skin glowing with the radiance of a rich, happy celebrity in no time.
#4 Never crash diet. Crash diets are the worst thing that can happen to your body. When you crash diet, your body will cling to your fat and end up burning any muscle you have for the energy it needs to function. And when that happens, you’ll end up getting fatter as soon as you stop your diet because your body has no muscles to burn calories faster.
At the same time, crash diets would also make your body loose and flabby. And if you don’t keep that in check, you’ll even start to sag and get droopy at an early age. You wouldn’t like that, would you?
#5 Drink a lot of water. Great looking skin makes anyone look sexy, especially when they’re naked. And the best way to have great skin isn’t by using cosmetics, it’s by drinking water. Drinking a lot of water hydrates your skin, prevents stretch marks and makes your skin feel supple and soft. Here’s a water test, if your pee’s yellow, you’re not drinking enough water.
And if you want faster results, drink two big glasses of hot water every day, one in the morning and one at night to get that rich, glowing skin.
#6 Moisturize. While a great body will make you look sexy from a distance, you still need to exfoliate and moisturize to look like a perfect 10 from close up. If you have dry or flaky skin, moisturize your body every day and you’ll feel soft and irresistible to touch when your partner runs their hands over you.
#7 Don’t be impatient. If you truly want to see mind blowing results, please be patient. You've spent years ill treating your body. If you want to look gorgeous without your clothes on, give yourself six months to a year following these tips, and I assure you, you’ll get there especially if you have problems with your weight.
It may seem like a long time, but it’s really not. Quick fixes don’t work, especially when it comes to your body. You need to give it enough time to readjust to the new and healthy lifestyle change.
#8 Love your body. It may be difficult to love your body when you can hold folds of your body in your hands, but if you want to look better when you’re naked, use these tips and remember to measure yourself every three weeks. Don’t weigh yourself because scales can lie about your health. Use a measuring tape instead. And as you see progress, you’ll start to like the way you feel and will fall in love with your body really soon. [Read: How to look sexy without trying]
#9 Accessorize your nudity. When you’re in bed with your partner, remember that looking naked isn't just about walking across the room with no clothes on. Apply light makeup *that doesn't stain the sheets* or use earrings and other subtle accessories to accentuate your naked body.
#10 Smell great in bed. Fragrances can amplify your sex appeal when it blends well with the natural fragrance of your skin. When you get naked, don’t forget to dab a few drops of perfume behind your ear and on your pulse points. It all adds to the charm of looking really sexy when you’re naked.
#11 The perfect sex bedroom. The kind of hotel you stay in can make all the difference to a vacation. And just like that, the kind of bedroom you have sex in can make all the difference between looking alluring in bed and looking ho-hum. Use soft, yellowish lighting around your bed by using lampshades or candles. It’ll make your body look really sexy. And make sure you prep your bed to create the aura of sexual pleasure.
#12 Learn some moves. Yes, you've now got a great body. But what are you going to do with it? Learn new moves in bed and be willing to experiment with each other. Your partner will find your sexy body more irresistible when you learn to do things with it that your partner never thought you could do! [Read:30 ways to spice up your sex life]

#13 Cover up with the right clothes. Your clothes are like the gift wrapping over a fabulous present. If you want to flaunt your sexy side and look more desirable when you’re naked, learn to cover up your assets with the right negligees.
Wear sexy underwear and make your partner want to touch you all over even before you get naked. It’ll make your body feel a lot sexier and even help you cover up any small flaws you may want to conceal.
#14 Flaunt it. With a bit of effort, you’ll have the sexiest body you've ever had in your life. But want to feel even better about your body? Flaunt it by wearing clothes that look great on you. Perhaps, even discreetly reveal just a little bit more when you’re around someone you find cute. When someone you find attractive gives you a second glance, you’ll feel sexier about yourself. And that flirty confidence will show in bed when you take your clothes off!
#15 Don’t feel awkward. You may feel awkward about your body when you’re naked in someone else’s bedroom. But by doing that, you’re only acknowledging and forcing your partner to accept that you’re flawed.
But at the same time, if you take your clothes off with confidence and slip into bed, it’ll make your partner visualize you as a much sexier person. After all, we are what we project to others. If you feel confident naked, you’ll look a lot sexier. If you feel awkward in the nude when you’re in bed with someone, you’ll look less desirable.
Don’t expect miracles to work overnight. Sometimes, a little effort can go a long way. Use these 15 tips on how to look better naked, and you’ll definitely awe anyone you want with your sexy naked body and your oozing sexuality!

2 March 2014

How to Get Over Unrequited Love

Of all the kinds of love that you can experience in life, unrequited love can turn out to be the worst kind. Find out how to get over unrequited love.

Click here to read the introduction on what is unrequited love.
Before you read about how to get over unrequited love, you have to understand what unrequited love really is and how it starts in the first place.
You may think you’re experiencing unrequited love, but are you really?
In the introduction, you've read about how unrequited love isn't your fault alone.
Almost always, you get sucked into unrequited love because the person you’re in love with either wants to use you or likes the attention.
But if you do understand that you’re suffering every day from a case of unrequited love, you need to make up your mind to get a grip on your own life and bring the happiness back into it.
How to get over unrequited love
You may want to get over unrequited love, but you have to remember that it’s a slow healing process that needs effort and determination.
Here are nine steps that you need to follow, and before long, you’d be able to tear yourself away from the web of unrequited love and regain your sanity.
Don’t stay around your crush
It doesn't matter if your crush is using you for sex or flirting with you because they want to have a good time at your expense, learn to stay away from them. You can’t really let yourself fall into the clutches of unrequited love and blame someone else for it.
You've fallen in love with someone who wants to use you, and it’s up to you to walk away from it.
Now it’s definitely not easy, especially if you and your crush work in attached cubicles, or share the same office or campus. But as the famed adage goes, where there is a will, there is a way.
Don’t have long conversations
Sometimes, you may bump into your crush or find yourself in a circumstance where you’re obligated to sit together for a while. Talk to your crush in a friendly way, but never let the flirting games take control. It can feel so good when your crush lingers their palm on you or talks about how good you look in that dress.
Steer the conversation away from anything flirty or romantic. Remind yourself that this person is only toying with you and trying to make you fall more in love, just to have a good time. If your crush persists, you can open up and tell them the truth subtly.
“You know, I thought there can be nothing more than friends between us. So I don’t think it would be appropriate for you to be speaking this way with me… it’s all just very confusing, and I don’t think it’s right.”
Saying something like this line is subtle, it’s got a hint of a request and yet, it’s firm. Your crush may take offence, but rest assured, you’d feel like the most powerful person in the world at that moment!
Have more self respect
People who find themselves experiencing the pangs of unrequited love absolutely have no self respect. It’s true and you just have to accept it.
It hurts, but acknowledging it will help give you the strength to walk away. If you really did love and respect yourself, would you be throwing yourself at the feet of someone who doesn't even treat you right?
Unrequited love can suck the confidence and happiness out of your life, but it takes little steps to bring it all back. Start believing in yourself and understand your real worth, and realize the fact that you’re a wonderful person who deserves someone a lot better
Realize how stupid you've been
When you’re in love, it’s alright to run errands and make a fool of yourself for your lover. But that’s completely unacceptable if you’re drowning in unrequited love. Your crush may have learnt to use you for their benefit all this while, but now it’s time to put your foot down. Don’t go out of your way to help your crush.
In fact, don’t even bother trying to help your crush in any way. Helping a crush in need may make your day, but it also makes you an idiot who doesn't see the big picture where your crush is using you, ridiculing you, and laughing at you, behind your back.
Understand that there’s no happy ending here
Reading about how stupid and weak you've been may hurt you, but it’ll help you realize how wrong you've been to fall in love and stay in love with someone who will never ever love you back.
Your crush may smile at you and wink at you today, but if you want to know how to get over unrequited love, you need to remind yourself of the big picture. There is no happy ending in this kind of a one sided relationship. Your crush will always use you, and you’ll always stay used and loveless. As exciting as a smile may seem today, you have to remember that you’ll never really experience happiness as long as you’re sinking in unrequited love.
Don’t let your crush know you’re hurting
In a relationship, the one who loves less controls the emotions in the relationship. In unrequited love, you’re madly and hopelessly in love. And your crush couldn't care less about you. Can you even guess who’s controlling this relationship?
When you try to get out of unrequited love, your crush may try harder to make you fall more in love. Your crush may sweet talk you, cuddle you or even ask you out in jest, but don’t fall for it. And never ever let your crush know that you’re hurting inside. By doing that, you’re letting your crush know that you’re still madly in love with them. And your crush would try to find all ways to try and use you up and pin you down in unrequited love.
Meet more people and make new friends
If you want to get your mind off your crush, you need to learn to keep yourself occupied. Meet new friends or reconnect with old happy friends that you know can cheer you up. The less you think about your crush, the stronger you’d feel. Don’t lock yourself up at home in isolation. Go out with friends, shop a while or rent a few good movies, not the rom-coms, and have a good time all the time. It’ll help you move on and help you realize that you don’t need this person in your life to experience happiness.
Create new happy experiences
To understand how to get over unrequited love, you need to fill your life with new, exciting experiences. Wake up listening to your favorite song, join a gym, start a few hobbies or take a little vacation with friends. When you’re in unrequited love, all your memories would revolve around just one person. Create new happy memories and replace all the sadness in your life with happy thoughts, one step at a time.
Meet new dating potentials all the time
There’s no better way to get over a crush than by falling in love all over again. Open your dating diary and go out. Have fun, ask your friends to fix you on dates, or learn to wink at a hottie at a club. You don’t have to look for something serious immediately. You just need to understand the fact that there are so many people out there who would love to spend time with you. Why on earth would you want to be bottled up in unrequited love with someone who doesn't even care about you when you can step out into a happy world where you’re loved, respected and most importantly, desired by so many people?
Go on out there with a mad, mad hope of finding happiness. And soon enough, you’ll know how to get over unrequited love and fill your life with happiness and love. And one day in the near future, you can look back at your old life and realize how pathetic you really were, once upon a long time ago!
Use these simple steps to understand how to get over unrequited love. It’s easy, and definitely doable. Just as long as you realize that you deserve a better life that’s full of love and happiness.

What is Unrequited Love?

Unrequited love is an experience that’s best not experienced. It’s one of the worst kinds of love that can affect your life negatively unless you put a stop to it. Find out what is unrequited love here.

There are so many ways to fall in love with someone.
While nothing beats the burst of happiness that true mutual love can give you, nothing can feel as painful as experiencing unrequited love.
Unrequited love is a kind of cursed love, where you can’t help but fall in love with someone even though you know that person will never love you back.
You may be confused between limerence and unrequited love.
When you’re experiencing limerence, you don’t really care about reciprocation in love. Just the sight of your crush can make your day and give a skip in your step.
But when you experience unrequited love, every heartbeat aches and hopes the one you love will love you back.
What is unrequited love?
To be bluntly put, unrequited love is a humiliating and cruel experience that can strip you of your dignity and self respect.
After all, you’d be ready to do anything for this person just as long as they show you a glimmer of loving hope.
Before we talk about what unrequited love really is, you need to understand a few things.
Have you ever let the person you love know of your feelings? Or is it a secret obsession that’s starting to take over your entire life? If you haven’t really asked this person out, well, it really isn’t unrequited love yet, is it? It’s just a secret crush that’s waiting to be revealed.
Now a crush is just a crush and it’s definitely not unrequited love, not at least until you reveal your feelings to this person and are turned down.
Experiencing unrequited love
The most painful part of unrequited love is when you fall in love with someone and express your feelings, and they turn you down for some reason or the other.
You know you have to move on and get over this person who’s pierced your heart, but guess what, you’re just not able to. Your life starts to revolve around this one person and with every day that passes, you only feel more miserable and hopeless. It’s a sad place to be, and that’s definitely not an exaggeration.
If you want to know how to get over unrequited love and have a happy life that’s full of sunshine again, you need to be truthful to yourself and follow everything mentioned here. Get these steps right and you’ll definitely be able to walk away with dignity.
Getting deeper into unrequited love
The biggest mistake most people make in unrequited love is to cling on to a string of hope, with a wish that their crush will love them back someday.
Now there are no clear stages in unrequited love, but with each passing day that you involuntarily let yourself fall more in love with this person, the deeper you’re going to sink into unrequited love and the more painful your experience will be.
If you ever do fall in love with someone, work your courage up and let them know of your feelings. And if they don’t reciprocate the love, pursue them for a bit longer if you must, but learn to give up at some point of time.
The thin line between blissful love and unrequited love is almost always never visible, so it’s a dangerous game of fatal attraction that you’re stepping into when someone turns you down, and you continue to pursue them.
It’s always better to watch for signs of reciprocation so you can know whether to pursue someone or not, but these signs are never easy to decipher, especially if your crush is playing with your feelings.
The best thing to do at times likes these is either to back away and meet someone else. Or if you think you can handle it, pursue your crush, but keep yourself occupied with other things and date other people so you’re not slipping deeper into the quicksand of unrequited love.
Unrequited love and your crush
If you want to understand what unrequited love is and how to get over it, you need to think about the kind of relationship you share with this person.
You may have a huge crush on this person, but is your crush just using you?
Think about it and be truthful to yourself here. In most cases, unrequited love steps into the picture only because you constantly see a glimmer of hope that makes you hold on to this kind of love, even if there’s really no hope in the first place. Is this person you’re in love with trying to get you to do things for them by sweet talking you, or by using you as a sex buddy just to sleep with you for a fun time while you fall more in love? [Read: Are you in love or lust?]
Is your crush playing you?
It’s easy to walk away if your crush helps you by avoiding you for a while, or by helping you heal by stopping you from flirting or sweet talking them. It may hurt a while, but it’s still the right thing to do. But if your crush tries to flirt with you now and then or pretends like they’re in love with you, just to win your heart back and make you fall more in love all over again, you’re falling in love with a really bad person who really doesn't deserve you.
Unrequited love isn't always a one sided story. You’re probably in this cruel phase because your crush is using you, perhaps because they like the attention or maybe it’s because of some other reason.
If you ever find yourself experiencing a relationship with your crush that blows hot and cold, stay away from this person before unrequited love consumes you and makes every single day a miserable experience.

If you've been wondering what is unrequited love, understand what it is and make sure you stay away from this kind of love. It’s got nothing but agony and pain in store for you. But if you’re already experiencing unrequited love, read about how to get over unrequited love and have a happier life.

10 Eye Contact Flirting Moves That Work

Want to know the perfect way to catch someone’s attention and make them interested in you? Use these eye contact flirting moves that definitely work.

Eye contact flirting is the easiest and safest way to get the message across and get a sign back in no time.
It’s simple, instinctive and something that all of us indulge in.
Eye contact flirting is exciting, no matter where you are.
It doesn't matter if you like someone or not.
If someone stares at you now and then, it instantly catches your attention and rouses your interest.
You could stare at someone and exchange a few stolen glances.
Or you could try to strike up a conversation.
Flirting by eye contact is safe, fun and an easy way to find out if someone is interested in knowing you better, without the pressure of making the first move.
The happy side of eye contact flirting
Let’s face it, eye contact flirting is harmless.
You could exchange a glance on the street or while having coffee at a restaurant.
As long as it’s mutual, it’s a fun and flirty experience that can bring a smile at the end of the day. [Read: Why some guys stare even when the girl isn't interested]
Who doesn’t love a few stolen glances now and then, even if you don’t intend to date that person?
The best part of eye contact flirting is the fact that it can help you gauge someone’s interest in you without even asking them out. And secondly, you can let someone know you’re interested in them and warm them up to a first date without even saying ‘hello’.
10 eye contact flirting moves to get someone interested in you
What do you do when you see someone you like at a coffee shop or at a party? If you’re not sure what to do, well, eye contact flirting may be the best thing in the world to help you get their attention and make an impression in no time.
Just use these 10 simple eye contact flirting tips and you’ll be able to get the right message across. [Read: Reasons why guys are so crazy about breasts]
#1 Casually stare now and then. See someone you like? Casually stare at the person now and then. Soon enough, the one you like will notice you back.
#2 Exchange a fleeting glimpse. Don’t be hasty or you’ll end up looking like an annoying stalker. When the person you like catches you staring and stares back at you with curiosity, lock eyes for a second and look away immediately.
#3 Repeat the glances. Look at the person you like again. Stare at him or her, but look away immediately as soon they look back at you. Don’t linger and stare back for more than a second just yet.
#4 Let them know what’s on your mind. At first, the person you like may assume it’s a passing glance. But as they catch you sneaking a few glances now and then, they’d understand that you’re interested in them. Don’t stare for more than a second because you’ll kill the excitement. Instead, build the excitement.
#5 Build the excitement. Now that you've got the one you like looking back at you now and then to see if you’re still staring, it’s time to build the excitement. Stop staring for a couple of minutes. Wait for them to stare at you now and then.
The person you like will wonder why you aren't staring anymore and may start to stare at you more often, to check if you’re still staring. By doing this, you’re actually making the one you like as interested as you are in building the staring game.
#6 Reverse the eye contact flirting. Notice the one you like from the corner of your eye. Don’t stare directly, but keep an eye on the person you like. Wait for that person to look at you. And just as the one you like looks at you, stare back at that person. By doing that, you’re now discreetly making it appear like they’re the one interested in looking at you, and not the other way around.
#7 Stare for a longer duration. You've been exchanging fleeting glances until now, but now that you've got the one you like excitedly waiting for you to stare back, lock eyes for more than a second before looking away. [Read: 10 tips to look sexy without trying]
#8 Smile and blush. Talk to your friends or appear busy, and stare for a second or two. And each time, look away smiling or blushing in an obvious manner. Don’t smile while staring just yet. Always smile only while looking away.
#9 Watch their response. Is this person looking at you as often as you’re looking at them? If they are, it’s working and you’re on your way to a fun evening. If the one you like isn't reciprocating your glances no matter what you do, they’re not interested, so give up and move on. You can’t win all your eye contact flirting games.
#10 Smile while staring. Now that you’re certain that the one you like is equally interested in staring at you and exchanging stolen glances, it’s time to take the plunge. During one of your longer glances, look straight into their eyes and stretch a little smile. There’s no turning back here. If the person smiles back, you've struck jackpot. If the one you’re staring at looks shocked or looks away hastily, they just need a little more time to warm up.
If the smile’s worked in your favor, here’s what you need to do. If you’re the girl, give the guy an opportunity to talk to you. If you’re the guy, what are you waiting for, make a move!
Read how to get someone’s attention in any circumstance to understand how to make the next move after finishing the ten steps in the eye contact flirting game.
Eye contact flirting when you’re talking
If you already know the person and want them to know you like them, stare deeply into their eyes when you’re having a conversation. Think about how much you like them, and your eyes will glaze over and let them know exactly what’s on your mind. And don’t forget to smile, it sends the right message across. [Read: 20 signs of attraction in a conversation]
Eye contact flirting for flirty stares
If you’re partying or just want someone to know you’re interested in some flirty fun, follow the same 10 steps as mentioned above, but instead of just staring for a few seconds into their eyes, stare into their eyes and look them up and down once with an appreciative smile. It lets them know you’re checking them out and find them attractive.
Eye contact tips for girls
# Guys find it easier to approach a girl who’s willing to exchange a flirty stare. If you like someone, stare back and build the eye contact. He’ll approach you more easily.
# Acknowledge his stare and drop a few signs to get him to talk to you. If you’re taking a trip to the ladies room alone, look towards the ladies room when he’s looking at you, look back at him, smile and get up. Walk slowly and look at him one more time as you walk by.
Eye contact tips for men
# Don’t stare at a girl for too long. It’s scary.
# Be very subtle with your stares or you’d end up looking perverted. Eye contact flirting is a slow and exciting game that builds the momentum with time. If you overdo it or stare for too long, you’ll end up looking desperate.
Eye contact flirting can be fun and extremely exciting if you indulge in it the right way. Overdo it or under do it and you may end up losing the connection. Just follow these 10 steps and you definitely won’t go wrong.

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta is professional blogger from India.
Apart from blogging, he is fun loving person. At funn-love blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.
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