19 February 2014

What do Men Like in Bed?

Turning a man on and making him desire you is simple, if you know the rules. Find out the little things that can make a big difference in bed, for you and your man. So what do men like in bed? Find out here.

Click here to read the first four pointers on what men want in bed.
Every man has his own wants and desires in bed.
But there are a few things that all men like in bed, with no exclusions.
What do men like in bed
Having a great time in bed isn't just about what a woman does to a man, but how the experience turns out.
Use these pointers and your quickie marathons will turn into horny marathons in no time.
So what do men like in bed and what do they want in a woman? Well, find out…
#5 A woman who can communicate her needs
As a relationship grows, you may start to expect a lot from your man, especially in bed.
But you have to remember that your man is not telepathic. He seriously can’t read your mind.
At times, especially while trying new things in bed, you really have to communicate with your man and tell him exactly what you want.
Holding his head and maneuvering it under the sheets in a dark room would just confuse your man.
If you want him to pay more attention to some part of your body, whisper it to him.
Communicating in bed will help your man relax and focus more on sex rather than on reading your mind!
#6 A girl who can initiate sex
While girls are usually the coy and bashful gender, it’s always great for a man when the tables are reversed.
Do you ever initiate sex? Well, we’re not talking about the ‘can-we-have-sex’ kind of request. Have you ever sat down on your man while he’s watching the telly and dragged him to your den to have sex?
You have your own sexual needs too, and men do like it when their woman initiates a good romp. Speak your mind and share your own thoughts too. Don’t be shy, instead be brash and tell him exactly what you want. He’ll be more than happy to listen to you, and will only desire you more.
#7 A girl who takes control
Men do like taking control of sex, but at times, it’s more relaxing and exciting to be violated by a girl they desire!
Instead of the weekly routine of quietly getting on top of each other in turns, play the lead, and he’ll love that. It’s a secret fantasy for all men, and they absolutely love it when a girl takes control and has her way with him. Dominate him, tie his hands to the bed post or order him to do your bidding. While this may border on a fetish, it’s still exciting for any man.
Your man would find the whole idea of lying back in bed with his eyes closed while you play with him pretty tempting. He can relax and just enjoy your touch, with no pressure of performance or trying to satisfy you. Seriously, which guy wouldn't like that?
After all, there’s a lot of psychological pressure on a man to perform well in bed and satisfy you. And when you take control of him, he can feel free to drift into pleasure land without a care about anything else.
#8 A woman who can fake an orgasm
This is a selfish issue, but men swell on egos and deflate real fast when their egos are crushed. And one of the biggest ego crushers for a man is not satisfying his woman in bed.
Your man may be sweating, panting, and prolonging sex as much as possible to ensure that you have a great time in bed. But at times, it just doesn't happen. And he may end up finishing the deed before you reach for the sky and flop down in bed. During times like these, a man can feel really let down and crushed. Your man will love it when you call him a sex god with turrets, but he’ll crawl into a hole just as easily when he feels like he’s under performed in bed.
It’s always best to be frank in bed and tell your partner if you’re not enjoying sex or don’t really like doing something in bed. But occasionally, it would really help a man’s ego if you can fake an orgasm when you sense that he’s not able to last long enough. He’ll be really grateful for your kindness even though he’ll never know that he under performed! You could always tell him about that day when he’s on a winning streak in bed.
But if it happens on a regular basis, you really have to tell him the truth even if his ego may crumble to dust.
So if you’re wondering what do men like in bed, just use these eight tips on what men like in bed to help you out. And before you know it, you’ll have a man who’ll worship you in bed, and desire you all the time!

Shubham Gupta

He is professional blogger from India and founder of this blog. On this blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta is professional blogger from India.
Apart from blogging, he is fun loving person. At funn-love blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.
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