27 February 2014

Dealing with your Man’s Flirty Friend

Does your boyfriend have a girl pal who just can’t keep her hands off him? Find out how to deal with your man’s flirty friend and keep her away.

Is your boyfriend’s best friend a girl?
Click here to read the introduction and understand what really goes on in his girl best friend’s mind in does your boyfriend have a girl best friend?
Getting used to the fact that your boyfriend has a girl best friend is hard enough.
But having to deal with your man’s flirty friend is just annoyingly frustrating, especially if your boyfriend doesn't really do anything to stop his friend from pawing him.
If you’re having a hard time getting the message through your man’s thick skull, here are a few tried and tested ways to handle your man’s flirty friend and keep her away.
Are you waiting for the flirty friend to leave?
You may have just sat there, waiting for the bad tidings to pass, and the sun to take a nice peek out of the gloomy clouds, and evaporate this monster of a friend away from his life.
But you know it, the way things are shaping up, you don’t ever think it will happen. So what do you do? Well, you should go to war!
Ready your battle stations and prepare your ammo and weapons. Locate the weakest section and drop your entire stock of nukes and breach the barrier! You don’t dig, girlie? No worries.
What I mean is that you need to fight a war to win it, and to win it, you need to strategy and have a plan of action. You want to know your greatest strength? It’s the fact that he’s your man and not her man! So why on earth do you have to bob quietly like a rubber duck and be bothered by this friend of his?
Since you know for sure that there’s no way a straight talk with your man will help you, try going the other way around. The first step is to make your man feel really awkward around her. It’s not that he doesn't feel it already, but the only issue is that he likes the sexual awkwardness. But just give him an opportunity to realize how uncomfortable things can get when she comes around and you can bring the ball into your court. Now really, go all out and go to war.
Adding your man to her crush list
The next time she kisses him like a woodpecker or does something just as uncomfortable, use it to your advantage. After this slutty friend of his leaves the both of you alone and goes away, take a trip to the ladies room, especially after a few other girls go in. Come back with a sad face, and tell him that you overheard the girls in the ladies room talking about your man being such a perverted two timer, who didn't care about your feelings.
Just tell him that you feels awkward when other girls speak like this all the time. Basically, instead of straight out ranting, prick his little heart with guilt.
Let him know that all your friends think that he has a big crush on that girl pal of his, because of the way he tries making out with that girl all the time! He may object and try to retaliate, but just lay off it by saying it’s alright, and that you’re not hurt anyway. And trust me, he will try doing something about it because all men always want all women in the world to think highly of them. So if your friends and other women around think he’s annoying, he’ll do whatever it takes to make them think highly of him.
Sneak a bit of info to him and tell him that you’re sure his friend has a crush on him. And how do you know that? Obviously, you’re a girl and you know it by the way she behaves around him.
Mention it as a compliment, but make him feel uncomfortable by asking things like how he would feel if your best male friend would try fondling you all the time? But hit your man with the fact that this friend of his has more than just ‘friendship’ written over her when it comes to him.
Beating the bitch
Don’t you just wish you could clobber her and hurt her really bad? You can, but it’s better done where it hurts. Your man is just that, he’s your man. So the next time she comes around, just snuggle up to him closer and compliment him about a few things he did recently, things only you know about.
Trust me, it’s worth it to see that look on his face after you’re done talking with another hottie. Or you could also get real friendly and touchy-feely with another male friend of yours when you bump in to him. If he does mention anything like you trying to get back at him, just innocently tell him that he seemed to be having such a good time with her, that you really didn't think he’d be bothered.
These moves are guaranteed to have a positive effect for you, especially if you instantly lose your icy self each time his slutty friend goes away.
He may have a hard time figuring it out with his pea sized brain, but eventually he’d realize that your icy split personality shows up only when he behaves like he’s in a petting zoo around that little bitch friend of his.
Another really important thing you should know here, never ever let him know that you’re doing all this to get back at him even if things get better for you later. He may just tell his ‘best’ friend all about it. And I don’t think you’d be able take his friendly confessions very well.
Winning the game
She may be grinning widely and floating on a high each time she gets to know through your boyfriend that you've thrown a tantrum over her. But once she sees that her friendly guy is actually making a strong effort to stay away from her (which is mostly because he gets jealous when you speak to another hottie or pet your male pals), she would go mad!
There she was, having your man wrapped around her finger all this time, and now she would know she’s losing her grip on him.
What can I say, I guess it’s time for you to gloat in happiness. Be extra-friendly to her, and grin a giddily happy smile each time he’s wrapped in your arms instead of hers. Never ever show your frustrations out in front of her. That would just make her happy. Instead, use her ploy on another guy, in person or on phone, when your man and his flirty friend are together. There’s no chance of losing a game when you get the jealousy in your man aroused!
Each time she holds your guy’s hand, just pat it away and tell her jokingly, “hey, do you have a crush on him?” or smile and say something like “I hope you don’t hate me, you seem to have such a big crush on my man”, and laugh out loud!
She wouldn't know what to say, especially when you make it sound like a joke. Your man may find it funny, but she’d know what you’re up to. Let her know that you know her game, and let her hate you because you’re winning. Getting her to hate you may be hard, but once you do, boy, the world can seem oh-so-nice!
You could be on a winning streak, but make sure you've still got a firm hold on your man, or he may just stray again. She is his friend, you know.
It’s not so easy to just split them up, but as long as you can get him to behave, who cares. And as long as her little heart is burning with frustration, the world is such a pretty place, isn't it?
But then again, if you’re having a hard time dealing with his girl best friend, perhaps, you should consider seeing someone else or try having a happy relationship with a guy who isn't attached at the hip to his girl best friend.
But even if your man does have a girl best friend, you do know what to do right? Get back at her and do it well. After all, dealing with your man’s flirty friend can be so much fun when you’re winning!

Why Are Women So Fickle in Love?

Do women create confusions in their love lives or is the world just unjust to them? Jake Butler shares his opinion on why women are so fickle in love.

Through many years of my dating life, if there’s one thing I've noticed more often than others, it’s how fickle women in love are.
Now it’s not just my life I’m talking about, it’s all around me.
Women love fairy tales, chick flicks and romance in their lives. But yet, they create such messy Gordian knots of love that they end up hurting others and themselves along the way.
Men and their love life
Looking into a man’s mind, he doesn't really ask for much.
Even the greatest of guys are rather happy with their relationship. They spend evenings and weekends together with their girlfriend, and life is just perfect.
If there’s ever a circumstance of infidelity among men, in almost all cases, men cheat for two reasons.
They cheat using their bigger head, when they’re frustrated with their girlfriend for some reason or the other.
Or they cheat with their little head when they meet an attractive woman and the chemistry is intense.
It’s easy to understand a man’s mind. We like keeping it simple and easy. Men may not be gifted with the complex creative dimensions in love that women can boast of, but men are pretty content with what goes on in their mind.
And that makes it really easy for men to get caught with their pants around their ankles. All because men are too darn predictable.
Women, on the other hand, are a lot more complex to understand and predict. But their lives are way more complicated anyways!
Why are women so fickle in love?
I was in college when I got into a serious relationship for the first time. The relationship lasted about a year, but that ride of love was the craziest I've even been in, and I've still not been able to understand that relationship.
She was my first girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend. We started dating and exploring all that love had to offer within the first few months. We were happy, until she met a new group of friends. Soon she started partying hard, would avoid me more often, and would spend more time with her new friends and other new guys she would meet.
A few months later, she started getting cranky and moody, would party all night long with her new friends and pretty much behave like a confused idiot the next day!
One day, she would kiss me tenderly and say I’m the nicest guy on earth and she’s lucky to have me. Another day, she would treat me indifferently. And on some other days, she’d tell me she needs to stay away from me because she was going through some crap in her life. [Read: What to do when you like a friend]
Whew! I just couldn’t understand what the heck was up with her. Eventually, we ended up breaking up and making up every other day. She would break up with me, and come running back into my arms a few days later saying how much she needed me and how wrong she was to let me go. But all said and done, a confusing year later, I had to walk away for good. She was causing more damage to me than good. [Read:How to know if it is love or lust]
She pursued me on and off for a few months, but I knew the cycle pretty well to fall back into that trap of confusions. But to this day, I can’t understand why she just couldn't make up her mind about what kind of a life she really wanted! I mean, really, if she really wants to party and meet new guys and get Ziggy with them, stick to your plan and leave me out of your life!
Was that immaturity or was that a woman’s complex love brain going into overdrive?
Do women think of love as an all-you-can-eat buffet?
Now I’m not generalizing that all women are fickle in love. But there are a lot more fickle-in-love women out there than there are men who think along those lines. And any smooth talking man who gets the attention of women can vouch for this. And a smart Casanova knows how easy it is to play to a woman’s emotions and trick her into an easy fling!
It’s far easier to convince a woman that she’s in a bad relationship than it is to convince a man of the same. Men listen to their own feelings, women listen to everything else but their feelings. They listen to other people’s feelings.
Tell a girl she deserves someone better than her boyfriend, and she’ll think about it. Tell a guy he deserves someone better than his girlfriend, and he’ll just nod his head and forget about it!
The main problem, at least from my perspective, is that women are actually far more shallow when it comes to love than men. Women like the attention and care that their boyfriend gives them. And as the months or years pass, and some other charming smooth talker gives them a little more attention and adds a few long phone conversations and extravagant gifts into the recipe, they can’t help but feel a surge of affection towards this new guy who makes them feel all warm, fuzzy and happy inside. [Read: Flirty text messages]
They like having their steady boyfriend, but at the same time, they really don’t want to miss out on the affection and the attention of the new charming guy! Now, several women may deny this, but put them in a similar situation and they’ll surprise themselves. Women are suckers for affection. If any smooth guy knows how to strike when the iron is hot, it’s pretty hard for a girl to resist his charm.
Really, if that isn't an all-you-can-eat buffet kind of love, what is?
Are women more prone to having affairs than men?
Women don’t like giving a name to these kinds of special relationships. They recognize the fuzzy feelings, the sexual thoughts in bed, and the affection they feel for someone else, but they’ll never give this strange relationship a real name. By calling it an affair, they’re accepting that they’re cheating, either emotionally or physically. And they would never want to stoop that low. Instead, it’s so much simpler to just have a happy time with their own boyfriend and have a few special moments with someone else too, without worrying about what to call the relationship.
Fickle love and the confusions
Most women may not realize this, but you can’t really be in love with two people or try to hog the affection of two men, unless you’re in a happy menage a trios.
If you’re being secretive about it, at some point, you’re going to start comparing them with each other. And that starts all the confusions and the pain. And the worst part of all this, your partner will experience the same pain because you can’t make up your mind, and he can’t understand why you’re being so moody. [Read: Is he the one for you?]
And even when you make up your mind and decide that one man is better and more affectionate than the other, a week later or after a little fight, you’re bound to change your mind again. And at other times, you may have confusing conflicts every few hours. So why not just make up your mind and stick to it “for better or for worse”?
Is it a woman’s fault?
Now we can’t entirely blame women for this behavior. I just think it’s a trait in women that just can’t change. They always think they deserve better than the guy they’re with at any point of time. They assume they’re way better and can get any better guy if they ever wanted, and when a presumably better guy walks into their lives and showers them with affection, their instincts kick in and it reassures them that they deserve better than their own boyfriend.
So why are women so fickle in love? Perhaps, women do love a lot of drama in their lives. And being fickle in love is just one small part of the drama they constantly crave for that much needed satisfying and troubled sleep at night.
The author, Jake Butler, is a serial dater and chivalrous stealer of girlfriends, and looks forward to changing his ways when he meets a woman who can incomparably be happy with him. Which he claims, will never happen!

Do Girls Like Shy Guys Who Don’t Make A Bold Move?

Do girls like shy guys or confident guys? Find out what girls want in a shy guy and what you can do to be the perfect guy for the girl you like.

Shy guys are loveable.
And almost all girls feel safe, and dare I say it, even confident around them.
Shy guys are every girl’s dream conversationalist.
They hardly talk, and they’re really good at just listening to the girl.
Girls like that.
We definitely love a cute shy guy who can just watch us, smile to himself and listen to everything we have to say.
Do girls like shy guys?
Girls definitely like a shy guy.
But almost always, girls fall for a shy guy when they’re still in school or college, and definitely not in a workplace.
Girls get crushes on cute shy guys because they’re so mysterious and different from all the other guys who try to behave like bold smooth talkers.
But as soon as a great guy starts to pursue a girl, she forgets about the shy guy because, well, he’s just not doing anything to reciprocate.
If you’re a shy guy, learn to use the opportunity of first impressions.
Girls are intrigued by a shy guy. And even the smallest gesture by a shy guy can make a huge difference to a girl, especially if she likes him already.
When are shy guys better than confident guys?
Shy guys make better friends. They’re good listeners and they’re very considerate. But you obviously don’t want to be her friend, so this isn't a good sign. If you want to date a girl, you need to let her know that!
# Shy guys make better sex buddies. Girls feel powerful around shy guys. Get drunk with a girl and let her have her way with you and she’ll definitely like it. And if you’re just looking for a fling thing, you’d definitely like it too!
# Girls definitely like a guy who’s shy at first but opens up after a few conversations. They definitely don’t like a guy who’s shy in the first conversation and shy after that too. Now almost all the time, even the shyest of guys open up after a couple of conversations, so you don’t have to worry there.
What do girls want in a great guy?
Now shy guys have a lot of good sides to them. They’re more sensitive and caring and girls like their company. But to fall for a guy, there are three things that a girl needs in a boyfriend material.
#1 A guy who can protect her
#2 A guy she can depend on
#3 A guy who can pursue her
Now these three things that every girl needs may seem simple, but this is where almost every shy guy fails. Do you realistically think you have the bold presence of a guy who can protect the girl from any trouble when she’s with you? Do you think she can depend on you to sort any issue out for her? And if you’re so shy that you can’t even have a conversation with her, can you really woo her and impress her by pursuing her when she’s playing hard to get?
Well, shy guys fail miserably in all three requirements. And that’s where a perfect shy guy who is every girl’s dream loses a great girl and ends up becoming her friend instead of her boyfriend.
The bad side of a shy guy that’ll put off a girl
Girls have no problems with a shy guy. But these bad traits of a shy guy can put off anyone, not just a girl you like. [Read: 10 biggest dating turn offs for girls]
#1 The problem with shy guys is that they have no balls. They can’t make a stand for anything. They’d rather stand in the sidelines than take center stage.
#2 Shy guys are very accommodating and give in to any problem just to avoid any kind of conflict. Even if anyone insults them, they’d pretend like they’re not affected by it when in reality they’d be furious inside their shy heads.
#3 Shy guys would rather give up than fight. And they think they’re peace loving when they’re just too chicken hearted in reality.
#4 They have to be peeled back, layer by layer. It takes too much time for a girl to get to know a shy guy. When great girls can get any guy they want, would a girl really be interested in counseling you and trying to make you a better man when they can be pampered and treated like a queen by any bold guy they want?
#5 Shy guys don’t have confidence around other people, especially other guys. If another guy tried to flirt with your girlfriend, would you have the courage to make a stand and put the other guy in place? If you can’t even stand up for yourself, how can you stand up for the girl in your arms?
How to turn your shyness into an advantage
Your shyness could create a lot of difficulties for you, especially when it comes to dating a great girl. But here are a few immediate tips you could use to tilt the shyness to your advantage.
#1 Become a quiet guy. Turn your shyness into confidence. Don’t let anyone think you’re shy. Instead make it appear like you’re just a quiet guy who likes his own space.
#2 Make it appear like you’re bold. Talk less, but don’t let anyone know your heart’s beating like a hummingbird inside. Avoid being nervous and jittery, instead reply in short sentences that make you appear confident.
#3 Brave up and talk to her. This is inevitable. You need to man up and talk to her at least once. Get introduced through a friend if you have to. After that, woo her through texts and messages. Pursue the girl silently by avoiding long conversations face to face at the beginning and focus all your attention on your texts and gifts.
#4 Walk with a purpose. Shy guys can actually come off as extremely confident as long as they move purposefully and appear composed. Walk tall, and don’t bother trying to get anyone’s attention but that one girl who matters.
#5 Don’t tell the girl that you’re a shy guy. Telling a girl that you’re shy can work against your favor. She’ll immediately get confident and behave aloof. By pretending to be a quiet guy, you can appear mysterious and more appealing to any girl.
The easy and better way out – Don’t be the shy guy
It’s not easy being a shy guy. I was a shy girl once too and I know how hard it can be to change. But the only way to have better opportunities in life is by trying hard to eliminate that shy side of yours.
All of us have been shy guys and shy girls at some point of time. Some lose that trait in their childhood while others lose it in their teens. The earlier you realize the need to change, the faster you can become a better man who can feel confident in his own shoes.
Here are five steps that can help you lose the shy guy tag with a bit of effort.
#1 Open up to people. Make an effort to open up early to people. What’s the point in waiting for a few meetings to be friendly? Shy guys are cute friends, and not cute boyfriends. A shy guy may seem cute in his teens, but anything beyond that and you’d end up being isolated by everyone.
#3 Get introduced to girls. Talk to girls even if you’re not interested in dating them. Sometimes, you need a few warm up lessons by talking to girls you’re not interested in to feel more confident about your own abilities and prepare yourself for the girl you’re going to fall in love with.
#3 Don’t be afraid of being judged. Make new friends. Most shy guys avoid opening up to people because they assume they have nothing important to add. Or they stay quiet because they assume they’ll appear dumb if they speak too much. Don’t be afraid to reveal who you really are. You may be shy, but you’re still a great guy who can share so much with his friends and the world.
#4 Girls are just like you. Only they have lady parts. Remember that girls are a part of the human species too. They like guys just as much as you like girls. They want to make a good impression on you just as much as you want to make an impression on them. Some girls may have more confidence, but that doesn't mean you won’t be more confident with a few tries.
#5 Make a few mistakes and learn from it. The dumbest shy guys are the ones who know they’re shy and yet don’t do anything to open up. They’re afraid of failure and rejection and end up hiding in their own little world and bitch about how unfair the world is to them. Don’t be that guy. It’s alright to fall a few times before you start walking. It’s alright to get rejected a few times before you meet the perfect girl too!
So do girls like shy guys? Of course, they do, just as long as the guy can be a confident shy guy. But if you can’t be that guy, just follow these tips and you’ll definitely turn over a new leaf and get any girl you like with a little effort.

Are Good Looking Girls Mean or Nice?

Are good looking girls mean to some guys? Or are they actually nicer than other girls? Here’s a good looking girl’s answer to that big question.

There are a lot of misconceptions about good looking girls out there.
Now they’re not all wrong.
But more often than not, they are more of a stereotype than anything else.
Have you ever heard the line that good looking girls are mean and arrogant?
Now is that all true?
I definitely don’t think so.
I’m a girl who could be considered good looking, and I’d like to share my thoughts with others.
But please don’t think me conceited.
I’m only trying to strike a conversation.
The mean good looking girls
There are a lot of mean girls out there, and perhaps a few good looking mean girls too.
But that doesn't mean all good looking girls are mean.
Here are a few reasons why some good looking girls are mean.
#1 They’re conceited. It’s true, a few good looking girls are completely full of themselves.
They think they’re a gift to mankind or something, and believe they need to be treated better than everyone else. They’re the annoying kind of good looking girls, and definitely, the shallow ones too.
#2 They like the attention. Almost all good looking girls know they get attention all the time. They know they’re hot stuff and they intend to use their looks at every possible instance to get something favorable.
It may be to date someone rich and have a sugar daddy, or it may be something to do with getting a better job. The attention works for them and they fully use it to their advantage.
#3 They’re intentionally mean. Some good looking girls are just terribly mean. I've seen many girls bat their eyelids at a guy and make him approach them only to spurn him away! It’s terrible and annoying, and these are the kind of girls that give good looking girls a bad name.
But this is more like the exception than the rule. All good looking girls are not heartless skunks whose only sole means of pleasure is chucking a wrecking ball at a guy’s heart.
Good looking girls are not intentionally mean
For a long time, I've seen just how misunderstood good looking girls are. No matter what a good looking girl does, it’s always bad. There’s just no way out. Here are a few reasons why good looking girls are assumed to be mean.
#1 Guys always exaggerate a good looking girl’s rejection to feel better about themselves.
#2 Too many guys hit on good looking girls all the time, and they really don’t have the time to play nice to all the guys. What would you do if girls threw themselves at you all the time? You obviously can’t play nice to every girl you meet, especially if you know that you’re never going to be interested in that person.
#3 Guys are always mean to good looking girls. They expect a good looking girl to be snappy, so the guys go all out with their rude remarks. Additionally, a few guys get incredibly rude when they’re rejected. So a great looking girl’s always got to be on guard, or she’ll end up getting insulted by guys all the time.
#4 Cheesy pick up lines. How do you like your eggs in the morning… fried or fertilized? Really? How can a girl not get annoyed when she hears something like that? Most guys always use a pick up line when they strike up a conversation with a good looking girl like a pick up line makes them look cooler. But when a girl’s out with her friends, could it be possible that she’s just trying to have a nice time, not get her eggs picked?!
People love to see a good looking girl punished
Sometimes, petty jealously can make people really mean. When a good looking girl gets a great guy, everyone else just hopes for her to get dumped or cheated on.
And almost always, everyone wants the good looking girl to date a guy who would treat her like crap just so she can feel their pain. This is especially true for guys who get rejected often. But really, why? What have good looking girls ever done to you? Well, yes, maybe some girl rejected you. But why stereotype all good looking girls into evil witches?
Guys want a girl who’s beautiful but doesn't know it
Isn't that unfair? I've had a few guys tell me this line with a mean grin, to spite me or be frank, I really can’t tell.
But guys, you want the best girl in the world when clearly, you’re not the best guy in the world yet. You want a confused girl who’s insecure and timid, one who isn't aware of her own beauty. Why is that? So you can feel good about yourself?
Isn't that mean? You want the best of something without giving your best back to her. And at the same time, when a good looking girl wants a great guy, everyone thinks the girl’s a bitch, or that she’s shallow. It’s just so unfair.
Who are the real mean girls?
The real mean girls are the ones who constantly want attention or are the ones who think they’re really good looking when they really aren't. They act snotty and constantly want attention because somewhere deep down, they’re all insecure because they’re not sure if they’re pretty.
And almost always, a good looking girl’s not so good looking friend is usually the mean one. She tries to use her good looking friend’s attractiveness to get attention and treat guys badly because she wants to get even with all the guys who didn't give her attention. I may sound rude and full of myself, but it’s true. People get mean when they want to inflict pain on someone else for their own shortcomings.
I know a lot of models and good looking guys and girls, and I can assure you, they are the nicest and sweetest people in the world. Just don’t try hitting on them or taking them to bed at hello. Get to know them as a friend first. You’ll see how nice good looking people really are. They’re just like every other nice person in the world.
Good looking girls are human too
Contrary to popular belief, good looking girls are just like everyone else. They have a heart that hurts and wants true love too. Here are a few things about good looking girls that many guys don’t give a thought about.
#1 They want to be appreciated too. It’s true, they love romance and little skips of joy like every other girl out there. But please, be a great guy who’s sweet and charming.
#2 They’re more than skin deep. Good looking girls want to be liked for who they are beyond their appearance. When a guy just stares at her without listening to her words, it’s insulting.
#3 They don’t like being constantly picked up. Good looking girls don’t want to be hit on or stared at all the time. They’re not animals at a zoo. Why do guys think good looking girls are just meant to be picked up?
#4 Screw the prejudice. Really, good looking girls aren't always mean. They know their worth, and they appreciate a guy who knows to behave around them and treat them as a person. And they’re completely human and have feelings just like all other girls. [Read: 10 biggest dating turn offs for girls]
Most good looking girls are nicer than other girls
Almost all the time, most good looking girls are nicer than average looking girls. Good looking girls need to try harder to prove that they’re not stuck up or full of themselves.
An average looking girl sometimes throws a hussy fit just to feel pampered. When she does that, everyone else thinks she’s being cute. But when a good looking girl does the same thing, she’s being bitchy. When a great looking girl asks a guy for a favor like getting dropped home, I see eyes rolling and hear gasps of exasperation. Everyone thinks she’s taking advantage of a guy. But when any other girl does that, they think she’s being a good friend. Isn't that unfair?
And on another note, good looking girls always need to work harder to achieve anything. Whatever we achieve in life, people think we got it off easy. Yes, it’s true, guys are nicer to good looking girls. But not all of them. Almost all guys just think the world’s spinning in our favor because we’re good looking girls. And that’s just not true.
Debunking the stereotype
Really, good looking girls have a heart too. Just for once, try to see the world through our eyes. How would you feel if every guy you get introduced to looks at your breasts while speaking to you and stares at your ass when you walk away? Would you feel like a person or an object? [Read: Kinds of men who stare at women]
Some girls are mean and annoying, true, but as a guy, you can’t just round up all the good looking girls and brand them as annoying and mean. [Read: Reasons behind why guys like breasts like crazy]
The next time you meet a good looking girl, treat her as a person. Have a stimulating intellectual conversation and let her know that you’re seeing her as more than just someone to sleep with. And when you do that, you may just realize that a good looking girl isn’t just skin deep. And she’ll really appreciate you for making her feel like a person too.
So are good looking girls really mean? I've said my part, but the truth is still out there for you to find out.

What is a Good Relationship? – The Signs

Every time you get into a relationship, you wonder if you’re going to have a good relationship with your lover. But what is a good relationship really? Find out here.

A good relationship can’t just be found.
It has to be created.
Our lives revolve around love, be it with friends, family or lovers.
We need love in our lives to feel better and live happier.
But are you in a good relationship that’ll give you the bliss and warmth that you crave for?
Ever wondered about what a good relationship is, and what it takes to have a good relationship?
It takes just ten little aspects to create a good relationship.
If you and your partner can boast of achieving all ten of these relationship factors or if you’re almost there, you’ve definitely got the potential to experience all the happy love the world has to offer!
What is a good relationship?
Simply put, a good relationship is a beautiful experience.
It’s easy to find it but it’s even more easy to overlook it.
You can spend all your life looking for true love and a good relationship, and you may never experience it even if it’s right in front of your eyes.
After all, a good relationship requires the happy and willing effort of two lovers, and it blooms more with each passing day.
Want to know if you’re in a good relationship? These ten good relationship factors will show you the way.
#1 You’re happy to be with your lover
In a good relationship, both the partners are happy to be with each other. Good lovers complement each other and balance the relationship. On the inside, you may truly believe that you’re a desirable and attractive person who can get anyone you want. But at the same time, do you also truly believe that your partner too has the qualities to attract anyone they want?
Infatuation is fickle, but love isn't. Most people get into a relationship and start looking out as soon as the infatuation phase is over because they assume they deserve someone better. In a good relationship, both partners know they’re hot stuff, but they also know they’re perfect for each other.
#2 You argue constructively, if ever
Arguments are never bad, as long as it’s limited to a rare occasion. After all, an argument is only a sign of misunderstanding unless it results because of a bigger conflict like an affair.
In a good relationship, you may have differences or arguments, but it’s always constructive to the relationship. You voice your opinions and help your partner understand how you’re feeling and what you really want. By bring up a touchy subject and clearing the air, it helps bring both of you closer in the long run, just as long as the same mistakes don’t happen again.
And always remember this, irrespective of who started a fight, it’s the responsibility of both partners to end it as soon as possible.
#3 You love your partner unconditionally
Lovers in good relationships are always happy. And as corny as it may sound, they feel happier when their partner’s feeling happy. Call them soul mates if you must, but in a good relationship, the happiness one experiences isn't just one sided.
Have you ever gone out of your way to make your partner feel good, even if it means sacrificing something for yourself?
When you’re in a good relationship, both partners go out of their way to make their lover feel good. Do you have that unconditional love in your relationship?
#4 You communicate and learn
A relationship matures over time. While your partner and you may have fallen in love at first sight and had the perfect chemistry, it takes take a bit of work to retain it.
In a good relationship, both partners don’t take each other for granted. They communicate with each other and understand about each other’s lives, be it personal or professional. Spend time together and learn about each other’s thoughts and ideas. We change as individuals all the time, so make sure you know your partner for the person they are now, not what they were years ago when you first met. In a good relationship, you should be the shoulder to lean on for your partner and the voice that motivates them.
Do you really know everything about your lover? Do you motivate your partner and help them realize their dreams and aspirations?
#5 You respect each other
True love isn’t enough to hold a relationship together. In a good relationship, both partners must respect each other too. In your everyday life as a couple, you have to take a lot of decisions all the time. Do you make all the decisions when it comes to matters of the relationship, or does your partner do that?
If you do respect each other, you’d give importance to each other’s opinions before making a decision. On the other hand, if you don’t really respect your lover, you may ask for an opinion but do what you feel is best anyways. It may work for a while, but eventually one partner will start to dominate the other psychologically and that can only lead to subdued or even open frustrations in the relationship.
So what is a good relationship really? It’s a perfect relationship where two lovers understand each other and love each other. Click here to read the next five points on good relationships and sex, work, support, trust and most importantly, love in how to have a healthy relationship.

25 Must-Follow Relationship Rules for Happy Love

Like everything else, successful love too is based on a few rules. Follow these relationship rules and we assure you, love will feel like a bed of roses.

To many people, love is tricky and confusing.
And to many others, love is just a mirage.
They may be in a relationship and still never experience true love.
But every new relationship has the potential to blossom into something spectacular and wonderful, just as long as you remember the relationship rules that matter the most.
Relationship rules for successful love
There are a few relationship rules that can change a drifting relationship into a romantic one.
But as trivial and simple as they may seem, it’s something that needs a lot of effort and dedication to achieve.
Someone once said that falling in love should be effortless.
True, falling in love is easy, but staying in love always needs a bit of work. Just as long as working on a relationship feels less like work and more like fun, you should be just fine.
25 relationship rules that matter
Follow these relationship rules in your own relationship, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. As long as you’re committed to creating a better relationship, you’d have no trouble creating a magical experience out of love.
#1 Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.
#2 Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.
#3 End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind.
#4 Make love regularly, but never allot times for it. Scheduling a time for sex makes it a chore that can start to become a bore.
#5 Communicate with each other and grow together in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.
#6 Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.
#7 Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs and arguments.
#8 Say a white lie when you need to, especially if it’s a little lie that won’t change your relationship, but will make your partner feel happy.
#9 Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.
#10 Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love will shine brighter.
#11 Never argue in public, but indulge in public display of affection.
#12 Date each other even if you've been together for years. It keeps the love alive.
#13 Look sexy for each other, and that includes a flat tummy. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn't mean you should let yourself go and look shabby.
#14 Compliment your partner, even if it’s a regular chore or habit. Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they've taken for you, however small it may be.
#15 Celebrate the special days. Birthdays and anniversaries may repeat itself too many times, but it’s these milestones that create memories.
#16 Never intentionally try to make your partner feel bad or look bad. It’ll leave a lasting scar that can hurt the relationship.
#17 Learn to forgive without holding grudges. As hard as it may be, forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters most in a relationship.
#18 Respect your partner whole heartedly.
#19 Understand that your partner can have crushes on others too. It’s a difficult thought, but if you admire someone else, so can your partner.
#20 Trust your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise. [Read: How to build trust in a relationship]
#21 Never grumble or badmouth each other even if you’re tempted to, out of anger or frustration.
#22 Learn to spend quality time with each other. There’s no better way to fall more in love with each other as the relationship grows.
#23 Behave like children now and then. A few pillow fights or cute wrestles can never hurt anyone. But it can help both of you enjoy the relationship.
#24 Be spontaneous with your affections. Don’t always wait for special occasions or moments to express your love. Spontaneous surprises are always happier than planned surprises.
#25 Whatever works! No relationship is alike. Instead of learning from someone else’s relationship, learn from your own relationship’s successes and failures.
These relationship rules could seem simple, but following them to the tee can make all the difference between a romantic relationship and a failed affair. If you really do treasure your love, make a difference with these tips. You won’t regret it!

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta is professional blogger from India.
Apart from blogging, he is fun loving person. At funn-love blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.
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