10 January 2014

Tips to Turn Him On

Sex lives can start to get boring and monotonous if you don’t really find ways to turn him on and keep the magic alive. Use these tips to turn him on and very soon, he’ll find his own ways to turn you on in return.

In almost every relationship, the start is always exciting and a huge turn on.
Every day is like unwrapping a new present and you can’t wait to be with each other.
But as time passes by, things can get quite monotonous and activities like sex can seem like a weekly chore.If you really want to change all that, you need to bring the excitement back alive.
Here are ten of the best tips to turn him on and bring the magic back into lovemaking.
Tips to turn him on
You've tried luring him with enticing layers of lingerie, and all the other accessories in your little ladies’ bag, but at most times you know it just doesn't work.
But if you really want him to chase you around the house, you have to understand the male psyche.
Guys love to be chased after too, be complimented, and once in a while, even leered at.
Try these ten surefire ways to turn him on!
Say the right word
Don’t be boring when you want to compliment him. Don’t go for boring lines like “you’re so hot” or “you’re so good in bed.” It’s too easy.
You like something in particular about him, say it! “I love your shoulders” or “you have such strong arms” does the trick way better. You’ll even catch him staring at himself with admiration in the mirror after receiving such compliments.
Stare at him
You know what this means. Stare at him the same way those construction workers stare at your tight top or that plunging neckline. Stare at him, up and down. Strip him bare with your stare! And let him know you’re doing it. And what the hell, lick your lips or even wolf whistle if you feel like it.
Touch him
Guys don’t really hate it when you go groping all over them, especially if you top the act with a compliment like “I just can’t keep my hands to myself when you’re around!” Run your hand up his thigh, slide it under his shirt. You know how to do it.
Surprise him
Call him in the middle of the day, and tell him you’re staring at his semi-clad picture on your cell phone, and you can’t stop thinking about later that night. Or just tell him that your mind is still exploding after last night’s passion. Catch him at a right time, and he wouldn't be able to think of anything but you for the rest of the day. And hey, he’ll even have that stupid grin on his face!
Use these simple tips to turn him on, and it’ll do the trick. Remember, you don’t always need to turn him on with over the top antics. At times, simple is great too. Click here to continue reading the next five points on how to turn him on.

Shubham Gupta

He is professional blogger from India and founder of this blog. On this blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta is professional blogger from India.
Apart from blogging, he is fun loving person. At funn-love blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.
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