10 January 2014

Are you ready for a Live-In Relationship?

Moving in together with your lover can be the best decision you've ever made. Not only will it help both of you understand each other, it can also deepen the bond of affection and love you have for each other.

The New Beginning
You wake up in the morning, and you can’t seem to take in the fact that you’re lying down in each other’s arms and there’s no hurry to get into your clothes and rush out before you’re caught. You kiss your sleeping partner and tiptoe into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast in bed for your sweetheart. The first of the surprises in your new home. The both of you watch your favorite show for a while and then you just laze around and talk about all the things you can do together in the days to come. You take a few days off from work and spend all the time with each other.
Most often, the both of you would have moved into a new house without telling your folks at home. You imagine what they would say if they ever found out. You plan your life together, and you’ve heard a lot about the problems with live-in relationships. You’ve even watched movies where live-in relationships have turned sour, but you know that the both of you can pull it off to perfection. Of course, you are in love, you can do anything! You set reasonable restrictions on each other, you know how things can go bad, and you take all steps to prevent anything from getting out of hand. Actually, there may be practically nothing that you haven’t looked into.
You’ve planned the whole thing out to perfection and you know you’re not going to let anything come in the way of your pursuit of togetherness and happiness.
The Good Stuff
Is it really good to move in together? There are a lot of reasons why staying together is great for a relationship especially when you’re looking at a long term relationship. When one gets married, everything is taken for granted and it’s not very much about pleasing your partner. It’s not like your partner is going to walk out on you unless the differences are way out of proportion in a marriage. But when you’re just living together, there’s nothing to stop one person from walking out of the house, and that’s probably the reason why each of you would take a keener interest to keep the other person happy.
This would help the both of you to understand what each of you expect when you live together. As a matter of fact, a live-in relationship lets you know if your one is actually “The One” for you, sometimes in a day or two, or at times after a year or two. But either ways, you would know if the feeling you share with each other is true love or just a passing fling.
The first grocery shopping can be an eye opener and something that could get really hilarious. You push the trolley around very determinedly, while your partner checks your first “together” grocery list. You have a lot of differences while shopping at the store. The both of you have one of your cute petty arguments in the vegetable counter brandishing gourds and zucchinis, as the other shoppers beam at you reminiscing about their younger days. And then comes another little fight at the counter. It’s all cute and sweet. And it’s a great feeling to do everything together. Many happy moments follow and each day just seems to get better and better.
You cook your first meal together and its loads of fun. At times, you reenact the sensual cooking scenes in the movies, and at times you throw raw veggies at each other. There are times when you just cuddle up and watch the cute movie late into the night or help each other get dressed in the occasional late starts in the mornings.
This is when you pat yourself on your back and reassure yourself that moving in together was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. Everything’s just the way you wanted it, and there’s nothing more that you could wish for.
Click here to continue reading: The Good and Bad Sides of Live-In Relationships

Shubham Gupta

He is professional blogger from India and founder of this blog. On this blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta is professional blogger from India.
Apart from blogging, he is fun loving person. At funn-love blog he writes about all types of relationships articles to make your love life fun, beautiful and entertainment.
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